Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tenstock was Great!

I was happy to make it to PS 10's Tenstock yesterday. Fun was had by all. Games, singing, costumes and great food took center stage in the schoolyard. It was great to see some of you yesterday. Hope you had a great time.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Arrives Today at 2:49 PM

Happy Autumnal Equinox! Summer is over and fall is here. Today, at 11 minutes to 3:00, the change of seasons will occur. Cooler weather with beautiful colors are ahead. Happy Fall!

We've Been EXPLORING our Math Tools

As we continue to get routines in place we've been getting to know the tools of a 1st grade mathematician. We have worked with snap cubes and pattern blocks. Next week we'll use some of these tools to form TOWERS on numbers in a certain ORDER.

"Every Picture Tells a Story"

I have asked everyone to try to bring in some family photos. These photos will help the kids become storytellers. Before a child can become a WRITER of stories, they need to first TELL a story. They need to HEAR a SEQUENCE OF EVENTS. They need to hear each other ask the question, "what came next?" Pictures of meaningful times in their lives stir memories that become stories.

We're Reading "Just Right Books"

This week we introduced "just right books." Just Right Books are books that are ON OUR LEVEL. They are NOT TOO EASY, and NOT TOO HARD for us. We'll try out the "Five Finger Rule." Words that are tricky for us should be expected, but if while you are reading a book you find that you have had 5 "bumps in the road (words that we're stuck on)," then we need to talk to find out if that book is "just right" for us.

Mohawk Monday

Inspired by Jack Lappin's outrageous 'do, we'll try to duplicate his style on Monday. We were treated to a great "how to" on how to give yourself a "Jackhawk." Give it a try...I will.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Gisele and James A.

At the end of the day today we were treated to cupcakes for Gisele and James A.'s birthday. We'd like to thank both families for the sugary treats. Happy birthday to our classmates
, Gisele and James.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Our Self-Portraits are Done

It took us three days, but our self-portraits are finally done. It was a PROCESS. Today we used pastel crayons and water color paints to put on the finishing touches. Everyone did a great job. Take a look at them the next time you're up in room 303.

Kevin Henkes Author Study...Up Next...Shelia Rae the Brave

Shelia Rae isn't afraid of ANYTHING. She is fearless. At least she thought so. When she takes a new way home and things start to look unfamiliar, she finds out that we all have some fears. We are all human. Her sister, Louise, is by her side and leads the way.

We Have our Parent Bloggers!!!!!!!!

Zach (Kayla's step dad), Lisa (Margot's mom) and Helen (Sajel's mom) have all generously offered to eventually take over the class blog site. They were the first three offers that I received. We will sit down in the next week to discuss the transition. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"Hello, I'm Owen." "This is my blanket, Fuzzy."

We're Finishing Up our "Summer Fun" Quick Publish in Writer's Workshop

We start our year as writers by publishing a quick 2 or 3 day writing piece about a fun time that we had over the summer. This quick publish allows me to see where the children are as writers and introduces them to the ROUTINES that accompany the workshop. One of my two stories made the kids laugh. That one took place on a water slide. the other was about striped bass fishing. Ask the kids to tell my stories.

Curriculum Day and Night - October 2nd and 3rd

Curriculum Day is a great opportunity for our parents to meet with me and learn as much as possible about the work that we do in school and the expectations that we have for the school year. There will be a short Q & A, as well. October 2nd is the morning session, while the 3rd is the evening meeting. I hope to see everyone.

Rosh Hashanah Holiday is Next Week

Just a reminder that next Monday and Tuesday, September 17th and 18th, is the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. School will be closed. If you are celebrating, happy holiday. Have a sweet New Year.

Our Kevin Henkes Author Study Continues with "Owen"

Today we continued our look at the books of Kevin Henkes. Today we read the story of "Owen." Owen is the story of a mouse with a fuzzy yellow blanket named, well..."Fuzzy." When school starts Mrs, Tweezers tries to help Owen's parents figure out a way to get Owen to give up Fuzzy before school starts.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Our Out of Classroom Schedule

As you know, we are out of the classroom once a day in another classroom. These classes are referred to as cluster classes. Our cluster classes are... Monday- Gym, 6th period, Tuesday- Gym, 3rd period, Wednesday- Computers, 3rd period, Thursday- Science, 3rd period AND Music, 4th period, Friday- Art, 3rd period. Our teachers are: Gym- Ms. Gorberg, Science- Mrs. Kaminash, Art- Ms. Fontana, Music- Mr. Ellis and Computers, with Mr. Waisome.

We Have Begun our NAME STUDY!

As we begin to take a look at our community, first we will get to know ourselves. We will get to now as much about us and our families as we can. We are starting with our names. Where did they come from? Does it have a meaning? Were we named after someone? Why do I have that certain nickname? Today we read "Chrysanthemum," by Kevin Henkes. Chrysanthemum is the story of a little mouse with a unique name. As school begins she starts to think differently of her name. You see...Jo, Victoria and Rita have been poking fun at her and the name that she once thought was "absolutely perfect." More to come....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Math- Fun with Pattern Blocks

We got busy with math on the very first day of school. First, we closed our eyes and thought about what "math" meant to us. Next...we were able to build with one of our math TOOLS, pattern blocks. We shared about the shapes that we worked with. We used hexagons, squares, trapezoids, triangles and the shape that we are no longer calling "diamond," the RHOMBUS.

The Kissing Hand

Don't forget that little kiss if it will help. Press it to your cheek and you'll feel better.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Name Our Blog

Think of a great name for our blog. Write it down on a piece of paper and bring it in on Thursday or Friday. We'll have our first class vote to name our blog. With the presidential campaign season in full swing, a VOTE will be quite appropriate. We'll discuss the upcoming vote for el presidente'.

Our Lunch Time is 5th Period (12:15 pm)

I received our schedule for the year today. Lunch will be a little later than normal for us. We'll eat @ 12:15. That's 5th period. We'll get a snack going soon. That's a long morning. I'll get a snack survey out to everyone soon. Shortly thereafter, we'll get a schedule out. Ciao...CB and Ms. Mini

Subway Sparrow


Tomorrow we begin our school year. In preparation for tomorrow you might discuss the meaning of "COMMUNITY." What is COMMUNITY? How can I be an active part of MY community? We'll look at community building through one of my favorite books, "Subway Sparrow."

Saturday, September 1, 2012

PS 10 Rocks! See you on the 6th.

One More Supply....SORRY.

If you can...please try to pick up some Lysol or Clorox disinfectant wipes. We will go through a ton of these during the school year. In 1-303...we're keeping GERM FREE. Thanks again. CB PS- Obviously, for all SUPPLIES, please only get what you can. I do not want supplies to be a financial burden for anyone. Please contact me if there are any problems. Cheers!